Framed pictures

Each framed picture is unique and is available in a grey, white or black frame with customised messaging options available. Some of the personalised and unique picture designs are here for you to look through, but if you’d like something a little different, please get in touch. I can make pictures for birthdays, Christmas, Mothers & Father’s Day, new baby, christening, new home, anniversary, wedding, NHS Hero’s, Love, thanking a teacher, a thank you or just a family picture.

Dimensions vary but will be finalised before your order is placed. Typical dimensions of the frames are: Height: 10.5 Inches; Width: 10.5 Inches; Depth: 1.25 Inches (I can sometimes do smaller or larger frames). The price for these frames is £24.99.

All my items are unique, no picture is the same. If you see a size, style and colour you like, please get in touch to discuss the options.

Alternatively you can browse my Etsy page and place an order there.


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